Holistic Therapy.

Helping you integrate all parts of YOU into healing with treating your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  1. -You have tried to work on your mental health but feel like nothing has worked or helped.

  2. -Your mood and emotions are overwhelming sometimes and it feels like you have no control.

  3. -You struggle with sleep and feel like your energy is on low battery most of the time.

    -You get headaches, stomach aches, body tension, and more psychical symptoms from stress or anxiety.

  4. -You feel disconnected from others, yourself, and the world around you.

  5. -You are very critical on yourself and struggle to set boundaries or care for your needs.

If this is you, I am so glad your here! Read on to see if my holistic therapy approach can help you.

Body Image Therapist Las Vegas

You may find it difficult to feel a sense calm and regulation in your everyday life.

You may feel that you have been stuck for a long time struggling to get a sense of who authentically are. You might even carry around exhaustion because you are putting your needs last to make sure that everyone else around you is doing well.

Many of my clients are so used to living in states of anxiety, stress, or depression it has become their normal, and their body has adapted to those states as well. Making it easier and easier to fall into those negative feelings because it’s normal.

I work with my clients to retrain your bodies natural responses to spend less time in anxious, stressed, and depressed into spending more time in safe, connected, and regulated.

My Holistic Approach Includes:

-Teaching you to restructure your nervous system with mindfulness to feel move out of anxious and depressed towards safe and connected.

-Exploring emotions and using tools to regulate

-Creating a loving relationship with your body and learning joyful ways to move and enjoy exercise.

-Develop intuitive nutritional habits

-Explore your values and beliefs to connect with your authentic self

-Build your spiritual connection with humanity and the world.

-Healing from trauma and building a feeling of safety that allows you to fall in love with life.

-Learn to create meaningful and connected relationships with others.